
Tracy produces mono prints and lino prints that are all ‘one offs’ due to the techniques used. A series of 2-6 mono prints of similar images will be worked at the same time. Averages of 6 lino prints are produced in a run from a single plate.

Lino prints are created using the progressive (or reductive) method whereby the lino is cut away for each stage of colour printing. Therefore no more prints can be made once the image is finished. At each stage the colour combinations are varied and hand printing enables pressure to be controlled in order to create varying densities of tones and colour. The approach is explorative and experimental as well as being controlled in order to achieve the desired results. Lawrence oil based inks are preferred but may be combined with water based inks. Different papers are used such as smooth card, Arches, tracing paper and heavy cartridge depending on the types of marks or absorbency of colour required.

Tracy’s mono prints are built up in layers of colours sometimes allowing colours to dry and sometimes working ‘wet in wet’. Initially ink is rolled out onto a zinc plate using a gel roller. Areas may be wiped out and lines are drawn into the ink. Sometimes the paper is laid onto the ink and pressure and marks are made onto the back of the paper in order to create tone and line. Paper stencil and acetate stencils are used to block out or fill in areas of colour.

As there is always an unexpected aspect to these methods there can be pleasant surprises or disappointment at any stage of printing!